Through this we’ll share and explore this country’s unique culture and sensitivity from various angles. As to feel closer to Japan‘s way of life!
This section updates some basic work information about Japan’s business skills, shokunin (craftsman) life style etc. We hope you’ll find it useful!
What is happening in Japan now?
In this section we’ll give you updated information on live news, self-enlightenment, life style etc.
Jimomin recommends different spots for those in Japan, from food and art / fashion and music! The list goes on!
This section explains the daily Japanese phrases and kanji that Japanese people often use. You too can be a Japanese speaker!
In this section we’ll share the matters that are happening around us.
Exploring a sustainable life style, the environment, society and differing economic aspects.
Snowmonkey from the jimomin office does surprise interviews to get answers for commonly asked questions! Such as: Why did you come to live in Japan? What is it like flying from place to place all the time? What is life in Japan like? What’s your dream?
Any interesting person, from jimomin staffs to friends and even strangers could be interviewed and their lifestyle in Japan will be featured in this project!
The Event report introduces events that ADDD-Link held or participated. Please join the next event or follow us on SNS for updates, if you’re interested!