“Showa” is a turbulent age of the fashion.
Japanese fashion and trend are very unique even when they’re compared to those in overseas. Historically, during the Showa era, a wide variety of foreign cultures were introduced and many of them generated new exciting trends. This article will introduce you the history of Japanese fashion, while focused on hairstyles that were in fashion during the Showa era.
@halzo4 失礼しました💦左が慎太郎さんで、右が慎太郎刈りの裕次郎さんのようですね。シヌぅちゃん、もういっそこれ位やってみて!!←ヤケ😂 pic.twitter.com/MLduUdJ7dV
— 🍉waya🍉 (@tinasoloday) February 17, 2016
This sports cut became popular since a Japanese actor “Shintaro Ishihara” appeared in a movie “Season of the Sun” with this cut. The popularity of the cut actually gave a hard time to Japanese hat industry, since it caused a decrease in the hat sales.
Cecile cut
11月13日はジーン・セバーグ生誕(1938―1979)🎂『悲しみよこんにちは』『勝手にしやがれ』の二本で伝説に。彼女のベリーショートの髪型"セシルカット"も一世を風靡。 pic.twitter.com/0QOwanbY43
— ♡ Mimi . (@__Mimi_0929__) November 12, 2018
This very short haircut was popularized by a great success of the movie “Hello, Sadness”. Audrey Hepburn also appeared in the “Roman Holiday” with this haircut, therefore, it’s also known as Pixie cut.
Pageboy style
この頃、流行りのページボーイ スタイルとスリークな動きの毛先に遊びを入れたモードデザイン!
デザインも色とりどりの時代です。 pic.twitter.com/0HjVPUHbNT
— マモル (@mamoru04021219) November 15, 2015
Pageboy style is a name of a hairstyle features curled in hair at the bottom. Its origin is page, pageboy, waited on European nobles. People seems to be fascinated by nobles all the time.
Hepburn cut
ヘップバーンカットというらしい pic.twitter.com/Ik2SXWRiQx
— 柵P (@sh1gram) November 27, 2015
Back in the Showa era, Audrey Hepburn was so popular in Japan that the haircut was called “Hepburn cut”, which was originally called “Italian boy cut”.
Mushroom cut
実は彼ら··· #pentaxian でした!!#pentax #TheBeatles #Beatles #ビートルズ #フィルムカメラ #一眼レフ #ロックの日 #ROCKの日 pic.twitter.com/8vnBcYBu5B— 📷秋葉原にっしんカメラ【当面営業時間11:00-19:00】 (@nisshincamera) June 9, 2020
This mushroom like hairstyle influenced by the Beatles became popular all over the world at the time, and Japan was no exception.
Twiggy cut
ツイッギーカット可愛いいい。でも顔でかいから100%、IKKOになる。 pic.twitter.com/zcwO0oo7Uo
— るのこてん (@runo_ten) October 9, 2016
Women across the nation went wild with excitement for an actress Twiggy’s visit to Japan in 1967. The sharp shortcut hairstyle with a side parting may look very simple, but it actually required some advanced skills at the time.
Kiss curl
60年代に流行った「キスカール」を取り入れてるところはデフォルメしても良いかもしれませんね! pic.twitter.com/sSZwVVPbgI
— Walter (@tGBWJKXHlDrrNcq) January 31, 2020
Kiss curl is shortcut hairstyle with “C” shaped sideburns. In 1960s, permed short cut hairstyle was in fashion. An actress, Maeda Mibari is said to be one of originators of the trend.
Ivy cut
怖い話読んでたら「古臭い、アイビーカットの今時誰も知らないような髪型の男がー」ってあって、アイビーカットってどんなのだ?って思ってぐぐってみたら、これ全然今流行ってる髪型じゃんね。 pic.twitter.com/CA1OcxvsYq
— けいびぃ (@keibee_amn) April 12, 2017
This men’s fresh hairstyle still has a potential to be popular even nowadays. The hairstyle features parted hair at the side and looks clean and tidy, it’s called Ivy cut since it was once popular among the ivy league students.
The Showa hairstyle was greatly affected by foreign cultures.
What do you think? As you can see, many trends were brought from overseas in those days. Stars back then who are still popular today including Audrey Hepburn, Twiggy, and the Beatles had been pulling the modern fashion. As trends circles around, we might see these hairstyle again in Japan at some point.