When it comes to working in Japan as a foreign employee, every single experience you gain from whatever interesting or unpleasant thing goes on in your workplace every day is good for getting to know Japanese society better.
Working in Japan is also a good opportunity to improve your Japanese. Therefore we urge you to look for an enjoyable and useful job in Japan and in this article we will show you how you can find it.
Recommended sites for job recruitment
In this website you can browse jobs by criteria such as native language, Japanese level, work location, employment system, type of employment and type of industry. You can check for visa support in the job features section and for jobs that welcome foreign students. Generally speaking this website is easy to use and had 322 entries on 7/27.
NIPPON仕事.com (NIPPON shigoto.com)
Here is another website that is simple to use, you just have to check the job criteria in order, starting from the work location, the type of job, the desired salary, the languages you can use your level of Japanese and finally the jobs features. There were 37 entries on 7/27.
Here you will find ads for part time or one time translation jobs in several other languages apart from English such as Chinese, Korean, French, Italian etc. The types of assignments vary from media articles to promotional material and we are looking forward to expanding in the future.
ハローバイトル (Hello! Baitoru)
This website is useful for looking for part time jobs that welcome foreigners. The best part though is that its contents are also available in English, Chinese and Korean!
It’s a bummer that the websites for foreigners we have introduced above are so few.
Although the following websites are designed for Japanese users, there are many entries for jobs that anyone can apply for regardless of their nationality. You should give them a try if you feel like taking the challenge of looking for a job within the general labor market rather than the one that is solely aimed at foreigners.
インディード (Indeed)
Having over 20 million visitors per month makes Indeed a very popular website in Japan. This means that you should expect to see posts from a large number of companies.
エン転職 (En Tenshoku)
This is a website that is often used by Japanese people as well. It will keep you motivated in your job search because after you use it once it will keep sending you email notifications about similar job offers.
A reliable way is basing your search on reviews!
Actually you will often find that a job is not how you imagined it would be. In this case you will probably be disappointed quit right away and avoid looking for a new job for as long as possible.
This is why basing your job hunt on your friends and acquaintances reviews and comments is the most reliable and safe way to look for a job.
Take working at night for example, you might think that you will be fine, but you will not be able to tell whether keeping up with a night job is actually feasible unless you hear from people who have experience. You would also want to know in advance the precise amount of overtime work if there is any.
Although you may initially rely on job reviews for foreigners and on what your acquaintances have to say you will end up changing your methods and end up searching the same way Japanese people do. However reviews will remain trustworthy till the very end and this is why it is important to always and forever be in touch with other foreigners.