Business Japanese and Japanese Work Culture Course vol.2
Our last Business Japanese course was so popular we are back with round 2!
This course is open to anyone. Even those who have taken the course before!
この講座について(About this course)
- 日本企業に就職したときやビジネスシーンで使える日本語を学ぶ
- 自己表現するために、つまり、日本人を動かすには、それらをどのように使うのが有効かを考え、学ぶ
- 日本企業文化や日本人の特徴を理解したうえで、日本文化に染まるのではなく、どうやって「外国人であることの強みを活かした」働きかた、活躍の仕方があるのかを考え、学ぶ
- 授業はオンライン(Zoom)で行い、90分授業4回の講座です。
【About this event】
- Learn how to use business Japanese.
- Learn how to express yourself in a professional manner.
- Gain an understanding of Japanese corporation culture and the characterises of Japanese workers. Learn to “utilise the strengths of being a foreigner” instead of trying to become exactly like your Japanese coworkers.
- Classes are conducted online (Zoom) in four, 90-minute classes.
Knowing Business Japanese and Japanese culture in work place gives you great advantages in job hunting scene and working in Japan. This course is not for leaning lots of new vocabularies but to teach you how to express yourself by choosing the right words in Japanese and effective way to ask your Japanese colleagues to work for you/ help you. We are inviting a professional instructor, who has been teaching business Japanese to foreign students over years.
You will be able to join all four 90 minute Zoom sessions for free! Why don’t you join us!?
【Goal for this Course 】
To learn how to express yourself choosing right words in Japan’s unique Business Culture.
Introduction to Lecturer
Kyoto Language Centre Representative
富澤 一成(とみざわ かずなり)さん
Tomizawa Kazunari

- 大阪YMCAランゲージセンター事務局非常勤職員
- 京都文化日本語学校日本語科事務局主任及び日本語教師
- 公益財団法人京都日本語教育センター京都日本語学校事務局長
- 現 京都ランゲージセンター代表
- Osaka YMCA Language Centre Part-time Secretariat Staff.
- Kyoto Institute of Culture and Language, Japanese Language Department Secretariat and Japanese Language Teacher.
- Secretary General of Kyoto Japanese Language School, Kyoto Japanese Language Education Centre.
- Current representative of Kyoto Language Centre.

Mr Tomizawa teaching during our last course
Mr. Tomizawa opened the Kyoto Language Centre in September 2014, providing a better study abroad environment for international students and coexisting with multiple cultures by supporting the employment activities of international students and promoting educational cooperation between higher education facilities and Japanese language education institutions. We have been aiming to contribute to the realisation of society! The class is taught in a friendly and casual environment, you are welcome to drink and eat snacks though out the classes!
Mr Tomizawa has helped international students and pre-employment foreigners train and get employment support. This is a valuable opportunity to take lessons with Mr Tomizawa for free! Please come and join us!
Time and Place
- 第1回目4月27日(火)
- 第2回目5月11日(火)
- 第3回目5月25日(火)
- 第4回目6月8日(火) 午後6時30分〜午後8時
- 1st Class - April 27th (Wed)
- 2nd Class - May 11th (Wed)
- 3rd Class - May 25th (Wed)
- 4th Class - June 8th (Wed)
[Admission fee] Free
[Teaching materials] Freely Distributed]
- 日本語能力試験N2程度以上の日本語能力がある方
- 4回すべての講座にご参加いただける方
・Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2/higher or same level of Japanese skill
・Able to attend all 4 sessions(all 4 sessions are counted as 1 class)
*Free registration for Jimomin is required
[Location] Zoom
[Attendance limit] 12 people
[Course Language] Japanese
[Application Deadline] April 23rd (Fri) * Ends as soon as capacity is reached
前回の講座の様子 (Previous Event Report)

- 参加者自己紹介
- 就職活動における自分の強み
- 謙遜と謙虚について(まだまだです の使い方など)
- 自己&他己紹介(社内/取引先相手・外部向けの自称の使い分けなど)
- 日本人の対人関係の作り方の特徴
- 日本語会話の基本(留意する点)
- 名刺交換のマナー
- クッション言葉の使い方
- 微妙な言葉のニュアンスの違いと使い分けを理解する(ことになる/ことにする・~たので/~てからの違いなど)
- 日本の企業文化について(フィードバックの受け方、自分の意見の伝え方など)
Previous course structure (4 classes)
- Participant self-introduction
- Job hunting strengths
- About and how to use humility
- Introducing yourself and others (internal / business partners / external self-proclaimed usage / etc.)
- How to create Japanese interpersonal relationships
- Basics of Japanese conversation (points to keep in mind)
- Business card etiquette
- How to use cushion words
- Understand the subtle differences in nuance of words and how to use them properly (to have been decided / to decide / etc.)
- Japanese corporate culture (how to receive feedback, how to express your opinions, etc.)

Example from Last Lecture