Here at jimomin, we provide information that is useful for living and finding employment in Japan under the concept of “making the lives of foreigners living in Japan more jimoto”. We have prepared a half-day work experience for jimomin members at Juraku Co., Ltd. - a landscaping company in Kyoto - which is engaged in landscaping, construction, and civil engineering work. Participants are asked to help with simple jobs and tours. If you are interested in landscaping or gardening work, or just wanting Japanese work experience, please join us!
【日時】未定 午前9時〜午後12時
- 日本語レベルは問いません (初級レベルでOK)
- 造園業や庭に関する仕事に興味がある方
- 日本の仕事を実際に体験してみたい方
- 日本の就職文化を学びたい方
- 体力に自信がない方でも大丈夫!
The exact place will be emailed to those who apply as soon as the details are decided.
【Experience content】Public weeding/cleaning, site tour
【Date and Time】To be announced 9:00 am〜12:00 pm
※Meeting time is scheduled to be around 8:45 at the nearest station.
【Place】Kuzuha or Nagao Area, Hirakata city, Osaka
【Meeting place】To be determined
※Meet with the staff at the station and head to the location.
【Capacity】3 people
【Participation fee】Free
【Application conditions】
- Japanese level does not matter (beginner level is okay).
- Those who are interested in landscaping and garden work.
- Those who want to experience Japanese work.
- Those who want to learn about Japanese employment culture.
- Even those who aren’t confident in their physical strength are welcome!
【Application deadline】N/A
※closed once capacity is met.
※jimomin membership is required to participate.
※If Osaka prefecture issues State of emergency, the event will be canceled.
Company introduction
Juraku Co., Ltd. is a landscaping company, which also works on construction, civil engineering work, and cleaning. We aim to create a comfortable working environment. We want to meet people who have interest in cultural exchanges or desires to start businesses if you have returned to your home country. In addition, we have staff who can communicate in basic English. We also have plans for regular in-house Japanese classes and experiences in Japanese culture.
Message to participants
Though the content of our work is not always easy, and doing the same thing multiple times can lead to a tired heart. We like to work with the idea that we should be able to create an experience together that makes us happy, and that makes us feel good living in Japan. We look forward to meeting many people through this event in the future.